NAWE ...
The Network of African Women Environmentalists (NAWE) is a peer empowerment network which intends to connect environmental advocates working at different levels, sectors and countries to realize the future they want for their degraded or fragile landscape during the UN Decade of Ecosystems Restoration 2021-2030. NAWE is a programme of the United Nations Environment Agency (UNEP), working in partnership with other UN agencies, non-governmental agencies (NGOs), non-state actors and community organisations, supporting communities to develop more integrated responses to the restoration challenge.
Earth Science Cafes ...
WE ARE...dedicated to bridging the gap environmental policy and action
WE ARE...committed to supporting communities to recognise and realise their landscape restoration visions
WE ARE...actively mobilising resources and influencing decision makers to empower African women environmentalists
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The most powerful and influential network of environmental leaders in Africa
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