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  /  Climate Technology Centre & Network

Climate Technology Centre & Network

The CTCN network is the lead sponsor for the Earth Science Cafes initiative. It is a wide and diverse system of international, regional and national member institutions. Serving as the core of the CTCN, network members respond to climate technology requests from developing country Parties to the UNFCCC. In addition, network members participate in CTCN events, exchange information, and provide experts for webinars, e-learning courses and other types of trainings offered by the CTCN. The CTCN consists of two parts: a centre—a coordinating entity located in UN City Copenhagen—and a worldwide network of organizations that delivers CTCN services—both virtually and actually. In short, the centre operates the network, and together they constitute the CTCN.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) hosts the CTCN in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the support of a consortium of partners (see below) that are engaged in some 1,500 activities related to climate technologies in over 150 countries.

The Climate Technology Centre & Network facilitates the transfer of technologies through three core services:

  • Providing technical assistanceat the request  of developing countries to accelerate the transfer of  climate technologies;
  • Creating access to information and knowledge on climate technologies.
  • Fostering collaboration among climate technology stakeholders via the Centre’s network of regional and sectoral experts from academia, the private sector, and public and research institutions.