Urban Resilience has been defined as the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience. Urbanization is recognised to be a key driver to ecosystem change, however new risks, like the impacts from climate change, will increasingly strain current systems and governance structures.
Many cities around the world experienced increased pressure on their green spaces and parks during the COVID 19 lockdowns, which has prompted more focus on the importance of urban forests and thriving ecosystems to enhance well being.
This event will explore how collaborations among government, business, and civil society can collectively bring better results in cities that reduce risk and the vulnerability of vital ecosystems in the midst of rapid urbanisation.

Yvonne Aki Sawyerr, OBE
Mayor. City of Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Professor Bettina Ng'weno
Associate Professor, University of California, Davis (UCD)

Dr Sylvia Croese
African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town & University 0f the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Closing Presentation

Nicholas You
Executive Director of the Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation