A mobile Application Helps African Farmers Manage and Restore their Land
A new mobile application is bringing farmers in Africa the science of monitoring land restoration. The Regreening Africa App is part of an EU- funded project, which helps farmers, government agents and project officers to collect data on key indicators of land
Rethinking the Road to Diversification
Where do all the old stuff and waste we generate go? From the package boxes, used cloths, e-wastes, used water bottles and can, medical waste, worn-out vehicle parts, food waste, and so on, without a doubt, they all end up
Climate Change and COVID-19 Impact Agriculture and Youth Mobility Across West and Central Africa
In addition, health-related stressors such as COVID-19 have a high impact on the agricultural sector, by expositing the vulnerability of the food and distribution systems with the destabilization of supply chains and disruption of cross-border trade. On World Environment Day (5/06),
Bringing African women environmentalists together for shared learning
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